Tuesday 13 January 2009

Marketing Madness - How important is marketing in influencing people to watch Hollywood films?

To some extent and in most cases marketing is the biggest influence when it comes to selling a film. How else is a film going to be heard about? I think Hollywood spends more money on marketing than it does earning money for the actual film. The amount of time and money that is spent on marketing is just crazy. It really fascinates me. I would love to pursue a career in film marketing, I find it so intriguing.

Take Saw V as an example. Everyone all over the world has heard about it. The last four films are still spoken about. I love the people who complain about them, because they still go to see them. It is really amusing. The marketing for any one of those films is just amazing. I cannot get over the amount of hype they receive, whether you like them or not!
In previous posts I have looked at the marketing for Saw V briefly, i.e. posters and merchandise. Whilst I was searching on the internet I found this online article I just had to include! Basically the lastest site for Saw V allows visitors to enter their name and a friend's in order to generate a creepy message that can be dialled to any home number. The Saw makers have done it again. Brilliant! Seriously the marketing for this film is just AMAZING. First the fake movie poster and now this. I mean this have attracted all kinds of attention, good and bad.

Listen to the creepy message here =D

Read the full article here

Just a short post, a starting point. I will come back to this very soon

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